The ONE Thing that Energizes Me About Pattern Design

It will come as no surprise that I’m passionate about Pattern Design. But what is the ONE thing that energizes me the most about it?

Let me tell you a story. As I was trying to reinvent myself after getting laid off from a job I’d had for 15 years, I explored all kinds of creative outlets:

·      sketching,

·      inking,

·      painting with acrylic,

·      watercolor,

·      gouache,

·      mixed media, and even

·      book binding

But I didn’t truly #findmypassion until I discovered pattern design. Why is that, exactly?

The ONE thing that keeps me coming back again and again to hone my skills and drives me to share my passion with you is…. Wait for it…. REPETITION.

Repetition comes in many shapes and sizes in pattern design. Here are three:

·      the repetition of one design element over and over again,

·      a pattern where the repetition of several motifs works as a unit, and

·      rhythm that’s created when intervals between repeating elements create a sense of flow

Let me give you some examples.

In this pattern, I’m using one design element, a slightly imperfect line, to create a simple grid pattern. While it's not the exact same line throughout, the repetition is visible.


In this deer head example, three elements work as a unit: the deer head and the 2 sprigs on either side of it. These elements work together to create a pattern that’s then repeated again and again across the design.


Finally, you can create rhythm by spacing repeating elements in specific ways. There are many more options here depending on what you are trying to achieve. You can space your elements evenly, unevenly, or both. Think of a sandy beach on a windy day where nature creates undulations in the sand. They are beautiful and rhythmic in an inexact and flowing way. This diagonal floral uses this method.


For me personally, repetition is also very reassuring and calming. Maybe it’s because I’m a fairly organized person? Some may find repetition really boring but I find it meditative and liberating.

I like to run the same path when I’m exercising. I set aside several hours during the same block of time in the morning for my creative practice. I write this blog on the same day of the week.

What do YOU like most about pattern design? What’s the ONE thing that energizes you about it? I’d love to know. Until next week.

Remember, It’s Never Too Late To Create.



Please share this blog post with your friends and family! I'd love for them to read it.

Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

5 Steps to Finding Time for the Life you Want


Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator for Pattern Design